
If you ask people to name their favorite aspects of life at Smith, chances are that they’ll say “the community.” With a diverse student population from 49 states and many countries around the world, and faculty and staff members from all walks of life, the Smith community is one of acceptance, inclusion, and celebration. Offices across campus—including the Accessibility Resource Center, the Center for Religious & Spiritual Life, the Office for Equity & Inclusion, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and the Schacht Center for Health & Wellness—have teamed up to ensure community members of all backgrounds can live, work, and study happily and authentically with the support and resources they need. Check out some of the events and programming aimed at supporting the well-being of our community.
Fostering Connections
A strong community is crucial to the Smith experience regardless of your role on campus, and nurturing that sense of togetherness takes all of us. This fall, we’re offering programming, events, and activities to bring us together, help us learn, and provide opportunities to express ourselves in new ways. Have programming you’d like to contribute? Submit it here! Check back often, as new events will be added periodically.
Equity & Inclusion
Religious & Spiritual Life
Smith’s shared sense of space and commitment to learning is what makes us a strong community. A community that generously engages in discourse grows and makes the group stronger and even more knowledgeable.
Multicultural Affairs
Meet Dean Richmond
L’Tanya Richmond, M.A., Dean of Multicultural Affairs
Dean Richmond is responsible for the strategic leadership, vision and management of multicultural affairs. She is devoted to programs and policies that maximize student personal development and academic excellence opportunities. Dean Richmond oversees the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship program, Emergency Fund, the Mwangi Fund and all multicultural student-directed services.
Contact Dean Richmond
Phone: 413-585-4945
Fridays 2:00-3:00 p.m. please use the online scheduler for Dean Richmond. Fridays 3:00-4:00 p.m. walk-in only, no appointment necessary. For other times, please send an email to